Birds Aren’t Real billboard in Los Angeles, CA.

Manufactured Magazine
2 min readJul 21, 2020


Birds Aren’t Real Billboard in Los Angeles, CA ( LA )
Birds Aren’t Real billboard located at 1747 N Cahuenga Blvd, Hollywood, CA 90028

The “facts organization” known as Birds Aren’t Real has put up their second billboard in downtown LA. The political movement began in 2016 and went viral several times from 2018 to now 2020.

Birds Aren’t Real (BAR) states that all birds were replaced with government surveillance drones claiming that China’s use of drone pigeons is empirical evidence that even the birds have been infiltrated by the bourgeoisie.

Birds work for the bourgeoisie.

The billboard in LA went up on the official Birds Aren’t Real Instagram account on July 16, 2020. The link to the video is here.

In the video you will see the head activist Peter McIndoe interview by standers on their thoughts about the so called birds.

During the unveil of the billboard there was a banner flown directly overhead saying “Free as a bird.” Peter and other BAR activist labeled this an act of propaganda to try and silence the “feathered gospel.”

What do you think is really going on in the sky? Is it all a lie? We will let you decide. For information on Birds Aren’t Real you can visit their official website or visit them on Instagram @birdsarentreal

Birds Arent Real billboard in LA
Birds Aren’t Real in LA.

